Peer Review Policy for the Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science (JCRES)
Peer review ensures that only high-quality scientific research is published. It is an impartial method at the core of scholarly publishing, and all credible scientific journals employ it. Consequently, our reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of the Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science (JCRES), and all articles are peer reviewed according to the protocol stated below.
Initial manuscript evaluation
All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editors. It is quite possible for an excellent manuscript to be accepted at this level in some instances. Those rejected at this stage lack sufficient originality, have significant scientific faults, have bad grammar or English language usage, or fall outside the journal's purpose and scope. Those that fulfill the basic requirements are forwarded to specialists for review.
The authors of rejected manuscripts at this stage will be notified within two weeks after receipt.
Type of Peer Review
The JCRES uses double-blind review, in which both the reviewer and the authors remain anonymous throughout the process.
How the reviewer is selected
Reviewers are paired with papers based on their respective areas of expertise. Our database of reviewers is always being updated with their contact information and the kinds of topics that interest them.
Reviewer reports
Reviewers are requested to assess whether the manuscript:
(1) is original;
(2) is methodologically sound;
(3) adheres to appropriate ethical standards;
(4) Has results that are presented clearly and support the conclusions; and
(5) Correctly cites relevant prior work
Reviewers are not required to edit or proofread manuscripts. Language correction is not a component of peer review. In the "Reviewer's Blind Comments to Author" section of their reviews, reviewers are asked to refrain from providing their personal opinion on whether or not the paper should be published. Personal opinions can be expressed in the section labeled "Reviewer Confidential Comments to the Editor."
How long does the peer review process take?
Typically, a manuscript is reviewed within two to six weeks. If the reports of the reviewers contradict each other or if a report is unnecessarily delayed, a second expert opinion will be sought. Typically, revised manuscripts are returned to the Editors within three weeks, at which point the Editors may request additional feedback from the reviewers. The Editors may request multiple revisions of a submitted manuscript.
Final report
The author will be notified of the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript along with any recommendations made by the reviewers, which may include their direct comments.
Editor’s Decision is final
Reviewers advise the Editors, who are ultimately responsible for accepting or rejecting an article.