Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science (JCRES) submissions will be reviewed with plagiarism detection software. In addition, we use standard technologies to detect instances of plagiarism. Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science (JCRES) will instantly reject submissions having plagiarized or self-plagiarized content without a review.

Plagiarism . Saudi J Med Med Sci [serial online] 2014 [cited 11 February 2022];2:127.

"Plagiarism is the use of someone else's published or unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property) without acknowledgement or permission and presenting them as new and unique rather than obtained from a source. The purpose and impact of plagiarism is to deceive the reader on the author's contributions. This rule applies regardless of whether the ideas or words are obtained from abstracts, research grant applications, Institutional Review Board applications, unpublished or published publications, or any other publication format. As scientific misconduct, plagiarism must be dealt as such.

Self-plagiarism refers to the practice of an author reusing portions of their prior writings on the same issue in a different publication without citing it explicitly in quotation marks. This is a widespread and often inadvertent behavior, as there are a limited number of ways to explain the same thing, especially when writing the methodology portion of an article. Although this typically infringes the copyright given to the publisher, there is no consensus on whether this constitutes scientific misconduct or how many of one's own words one can sue for before it is considered "plagiarism." Self-plagiarism is likely not viewed in the same way as plagiarism of the ideas and words of other individuals. If journals have formed a policy on this topic, authors should be made aware of it. "

Textual plagiarism is an instance of direct plagiarism. Mosaic plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of ideas and opinions from an original source along with a few exact words or phrases.

Authors can report plagiarism by following these steps:

·        Notify the journal's editor when a plagiarized paper is published.

·        Submit both original and plagiarized content with the plagiarized content indicated.

·        If there is convincing evidence of plagiarism, the editor should organize a disciplinary meeting.

·        The editor of the journal that published the plagiarized article should contact the editor of the journal that published the original article in order to correct the situation.

·        The plagiarist should be asked to explain themselves.

·        The item should be permanently retracted in the event of nonresponse within the allotted period or an inadequate reason.

·        Authors who submit a paper to a particular journal should be blacklisted and disqualified for at least five years.

·        The institution's administrator must be alerted.

·        Using Google or the Plagiarism Checker program, it is possible to detect plagiarism.