Information Technology

The department is equipped with numerous amount of books for the references in the feild of current technology and emerging technology

No. of books subjects wise:

1.Data structures-260

2. Programming in C-53

3. Programming in C++-390

4. System Software-22

5.Theory of Computation-84

6. C# Programming-109

7.Operating System-177

8.Compiler Design-95

9.Database Management Systems-92

10. Computer Graphics-132

11. Software Engineering-142

12. Data Mining and Warehousing-62

13. Artificial Intelligence-58

14. Computer Architecture-130

15. Computer Networks-120

16. Java-482

17. E-Commerce-156

18.Software Project Management-72

19. Distributed Systems-21

20. OOAD-31

21. Cryptography-39

22.Web Technology-18



